Newberry Cares + Gallant Gives – Blood Drive

When our Team went on the hunt for our next Newberry Cares event, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center stole our hearts with their amazing passion for providing a safe supply of blood to the community. We partnered with our neighbors, Gallant Builders , to host a blood drive in Portwest parking lot. Katie Nippress, our coordinator at Gulf Coast, was a huge help in planning the event- she truly loves what she does! The world needs more Katie Nippress in it!
After an afternoon of donations from the Newberry office, the Gallant team, our amazing vendors and family members… we contributed 25 pints of blood and over $300 in cash to Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. It is a very small gesture to the massive 1,000 pints of blood they need daily to meet the community’s need. We hope you will take a moment to visit their website and maybe schedule time to donate!